What To Pack For Emergency Evacuation

This is a horrible reality that we hear about all the time: floods, fires, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. Natural catastrophes and crisis circumstances can happen, and it’s a good idea to be prepared in case it occurs to you and your loved ones.

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As part of your evacuation strategy, you should prepare a “go-bag” with all of the supplies you’ll need to survive for a few days in an emergency shelter or another place. Having a strategy and ready-to-use gear may help people relax. Learn how to put together an emergency “go-bag” that you can pack your things and leave in a hurry.

Why Do You Need An Evacuation Packing List Is Use In Case Of Emergency?

Being forced to leave your home because of a raging wildfire in your neighborhood in the middle of the night is the worst possible scenario. You’ll probably be in a state of panic, and you won’t be able to think properly about what you need to get done in a short amount of time.

In the event of an evacuation, having an evacuation packing list will save you from panicking. Not only is it much easier to keep track of everything, but you also won’t risk forgetting anything crucial in the middle of the hectic rush.

As a result, you’ll already know what to emergency pack out and what about to leave already packing behind in the event of an evacuation. So, you must act quickly and gather your belongings if you want to avoid being trapped in a dangerous position from which you have no way out.

What To Pack In An Emergency Evacuation “Go Bag” | GEICO Living

Exactly How Long Should I Plan To Be Away From Home?

It’s common to question how long it will take you to get out of your house and how much you’ll need for the duration of your absence. While natural catastrophes might be unexpected, there are two primary evacuations periods, one of them being the most typical.

There are options for both short- and long-term evacuations. The great majority of evacuations are short-term, lasting a maximum of seven days. Where large-scale damage is evident, long-term evacuations are necessary. The best preparation approach is to list essentials and personal goods used at a shelter, hotel, or your next temporary home base.

To Begin, You Need A Strategy

It is up to you and your family’s evacuation strategy to decide what to pack your things and go with your family. Determine where you’ll stay, whether it’s a shelter, a hotel, or with relatives.

Also, know who your emergency contacts are and where you can meet up if the phone lines are down. Put these plans in everyone’s backpacks so they may refer back to them when necessary.

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Choose A Bag

Adults and children alike may carry emergency go bags that are small and capable of containing necessary supplies for up to three days in an emergency.

A backpack is the best option to keep your hands free, but a suitcase with wheels or a rolling bag might also be an option. Keep in mind that you could be running with your luggage.

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Prescription Medications As Well As Medical Records

Pack a small first aid kit, hygienic hand wipes, and at least three days’ supply of any medication you take in original prescription bottles. Make sure you have a portable oxygen tank on hand if you use it.

Suppose you or a family member require medical attention or a prescription refill. In that case, you must have all of the proper and up-to-date medical information available.

  • Contact Information: Your doctors’ contact information should be on a list that you have with you all the time.
  • Rx And Reactions: List all of your family members’ prescription dosages and pharmacies separately. Make a note of any drug allergies and any other allergies that somebody may have.
  • Special Medical Needs: Keep a copy of any documents proving your or a loved one’s disability. Ensure any medical equipment or gadgets are necessary for the person you care for.
  • Immunizations: Keep a record for each member of your family of the immunization dates and kinds they have received.
  • Insurance: If you have any benefits from the VA, Medicare, or Medicaid, bring copies of these documents.
  • In-depth Legal Advice: Make sure you have a copy of any living wills or medical power of attorney you have.
  • Caregiver: Include this paperwork if you hire a caregiver service, such as an elderly care facility.

Food And Water

A few bottles of water in each bag will suffice since you won’t be carrying anything else. Each bag will include a water filter straw to guarantee safe water. Add a few granola bars or dry fruit to keep you full until your next meal.

Be prepared with a can opener and a tiny knife in a handy multi-purpose gadget. Baby formula, snacks, and additional bottles should be available for purchase. Include pet food on your list as well.

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Every family member should have one or two clothes. Moving about freely is essential, so be sure you wear athletic clothing. An old pair of jogging shoes would be a good addition as well.

Make sure each member in your home has three sets of underwear and socks. If you plan to spend further time outdoors, rain gear such as parkas is also a good investment.

Critical Documentation

A sealed plastic file folder should be used to store it. Though there was some disagreement among the specialists, the overall opinion was that originals were preferable.

You have to make that decision depending on whether or not you believe they’ll be safer with you or at home. The following should be included:

  • The birth certificate
  • Passport
  • Card of identification issued by the federal government
  • Information about how to get in touch with someone in case of a medical emergency
  • Photo of the current members of the family, along with their contact details (in case members get separated)
  • Identification cards for health insurance
  • Record keeping of health care and vaccination information
  • Ownership of a valid driving permit
  • Certificates of marriage, of adoption, and of applying for citizenship
  • A house and car insurance policy
  • Banking and credit card details
  • Will and power of attorney

Additional Supplies

A go-bag must have a whistle, a pocketknife, a torch, a radio, spare phone chargers, waterproof matches, and extra batteries. Having a few garbage bags and a roll of duct tape on hand is helpful. Toys and books that your children love might make excellent additions. Finally, tuck in a comforting, shelf-stable snack.

Don’t Forget The Basics Of COVID-19

COVID-19 should be included in your emergency supplies as well. When evacuating your house, make sure you have the necessary to protect yourself and your family against COVID-19.

Face masks are a must-have for the whole family. If you can’t wash your reusable ones, go with disposable ones. When traveling, have cleaning wipes and antibacterial hand sanitizer handy.


What’s the best place to save your emergency packing list?

Make a copy of your list and keep it somewhere you’ll see it often so you’ll know where to seek it in case of an emergency. Keeping a copy by the front entrance is an excellent place to start. It’s also possible to keep a digital copy of the list in the cloud, on your phone, or use an app for packing.

What if the items in my grab bag are ruined?

It’s recommended that you set the alarm or schedule a calendar event to address and refresh your grab bag items every six or twelve months. The things in the bag are about to expire; therefore, it’s an excellent opportunity to replenish your supply with new supplies.

Why is it so important to be well-prepared?

The difficulty is that we have a hard time seeing the worst-case scenario occurring to ourselves. This list of things to do in the event of an emergency is usually put together after the fact, and we wish we had done it sooner.

So now is the time to put up an emergency evacuation packing list for you and your family. When the time comes, it’ll be a wise investment of your time.

What is an evacuation plan?

An evacuation plan outlines how to safely escape a facility in the event of a fire or other disaster. Ensure that every family member is acquainted with numerous exit routes from home and is aware of a secure meeting location outside the building.


Human lives are more vital than your house or company in the event of a calamity. Even a few minutes spent looking for medications or paperwork might be the difference between life and death.

Check your luggage once every six months to rotate food and water supplies, replenish prescriptions, update paperwork, and, particularly for children, ensure that clothing still fits them correctly. CWP

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