Top 10 Security Plants for Yard

Plants are wonderful creatures of God. They have been serving living things since the inception of this planet earth in so many ways. Most of the creatures use them for their survival as it has been a good source of food for many.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that plants are also amazing creatures for the beautification by Mother Nature.

Also, plants have always been used to maintain privacy in the past and the modern days. Plants with thorn identification; are ideal for building fences outside. Thorny bushes help protect the property from intruders if seeded the plants strategically into the area.

Bushes with thorn identification serve well in protecting the property as thorny bushes provide greater damage if they are tried crossing and breaching security. We will cover the top 10 plants that you can grow on your premises, and here they are listed below.


Pyracantha is also known as a firethorn. This plant beautifies the surrounding as it grows white flowers at the beginning period of the summer and grows the red and orange berries in fall. Also, it’s Bush with red berries identification greater in damage. Pyracantha is one of the largest plants and can grow up to 20 feet in height.

Frequent trimming is what this plant requires as it spreads quickly, making this plant a good option for quick security. Firethorn is perfect for setting up barriers and fences in the yard to stop trespassers.

Spanish Dagger

You will mostly find this plant in the southeastern area of the United States. It is grown in any warm weather, and it can reach up to 15 feet in height. Homeowners who live in tropical regions like this plant because it adds value to their property and grow naturally in that area.

Its pointy leaves work as a defense and stop intruders from entering the property. It really can put anyone in trouble if they are stuck while crossing them. Spanish dagger is usually cultivated as ornamental for its unusual appearance and attractive flower clusters.

Agave (Century Plant)

A century or sentry plant is another name for Agave, and it grows healthy in well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. Leaves grow vertically and have a pointy shape on end. Height can reach up to three to six feet tall, and expansion is six to eight feet which is great for the barrier.

If they are grown under the windows in your house, you may not be able to use your window as an escape. Many species are available in the Agave genus. Some are smaller than the imposing century plant, and others are spineless.


This plant grows quickly and has thorny bushes, which makes this plant the top choice for many. It might not add beautification to your property but can grow up to 5 feet in height in a short period. You will find enough thorns on the bushes, and it is certainly unwelcoming for intruders.

It will take enough of your time in trimming this plant, and you may find it a hassle. It is the only dray back of this plant as you may dedicate your time for its maintenance. Ruthless prickles can tear the piece of leather, and gloves must be worn while cultivating this plant.

Cultivators usually get bruises, so it should be considered at the time of buying.

Devil’s Walking Stick

Full or Part sun and well-draining soil are suitable for the growth of this plant. It is also known as prickly ash and Hercules club. Thick spines are found on its branches and stem, whereas; leaves are also covered with spiky prickles. It is a ginseng family member, and it blooms showy white flowers in the late summer that attract bees and other insects.

Small berries pop up after the flowering, and USDA Forest Service has reported that the roots, berries, and stems of this plant have been used medically by Native Americans. It can reach up to the height of 20 feet, and during winter, when the leaves drop, it does not give a pleasant look.

Honey Locust

You will find this plant in the central US, and it is a deciduous and fast-growing tree. Large clumps of thorns are extended from its branches up to 8 inches long, which can surely be an unpleasant experience for anyone who touches it. Honey locust belongs to the Fabaceae family, and it blooms in the late spring.

Honey locusts can grow up to 90 feet tall at maturity, which is pretty high. According to the Department of Biology at Buffalo State University, the Cherokee people also used the honey locust for medical and cooking purposes.


Bamboo is a very famous and well-known plant worldwide. It is widely used and easy to place as a security fence. Clumping bamboo is generally good as it can be planted any time of year and might take a few years to fill in.

It is the fastest-growing plant and works best for creating barriers within the property. In addition to this, bamboo contributes to the environment as it is a natural air purifier.

Crown of Thorns

Euphorbia is commonly known as the crown of thorns, Christ thorn, or Christ plant. It is claimed that Jesus Christ wore the branches of these plants at the time of the crucifixion. It can nurture up to six feet in height with spiky spines on the stems and branches.

Flowers can be red, white or pink throughout the year and it has glossy green leaves. It is a poisonous plant and can cause skin irritation, so it must be avoided to touch bare hands. Full sun in well-draining soil is required for this plant to grow, and it should not be over-watered as wet feet can damage the root.

Trespassers will avoid entering into the area if they are planted strategically at all the vulnerable areas.


When we look for the plant flowered with thorns, the first name comes into our mind: the Rose plant. Bushes are well known for their thorny branches, and they can cause infection if they are pierced into the skin. However, it has the most beautiful flower petals and recognizable worldwide.

One has to be very careful upon touching this plant as it may cause bruises if it goes into the skin. However, it cannot be avoided at the same time as it adds beauty to the property as well as the fragrance.


Boxwood has compact growth, and it is perfect for creating formal hedges in your property, and they are quite easy to shape and prune as the name suggests that they can be trimmed in a box shape which can provide a great shield for year-round protection. Height can reach up to 30 feet.

Density in this plant is one of the reasons which are an excellent choice for security purposes. Low maintenance is required once they are comfortable with the soil. It adds up the beauty to the yard along with the security as it creates a wall itself once it attained a reasonable height.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use Pyracantha as a hedge?

Pyracantha is an attractive evergreen hedge plant. It can produce masses of berries after profuse flowering, Wildlife-friendly, intruder proof, and a true hero amongst hedging and one of the most common hedging plants.

What are the few top hedges for security?

Here, we have the list and properties of a few of the top hedges for security.

PlantsHeightFamilyRangeBlooming Period
Pyracantha4.1*4-meter shrubRosaceaeS. EuropeThe leafy whole year, flowers in June
Bamboos4.5*12 meter bambooGrassS. Argentina, S. America12 months
Crown of Thorns3 to 6 ft outdoor, 2 ft indoorSpurgesIndo-Pacific Region, East Africa, Across Indian and Pacific Ocean, Central America12 months
Blackberry3*4 ftRose FamilyEurope, Africa, Asia, South AmericaMid-April to Early May
Spanish Dagger6*12 ftAsparagusDifferent Regions of AmericaJuly, August

What is the name of the plant that has long thorns?

Honey locusts can grow up to 90 feet tall at maturity, which has long thorns. It can grow almost as wide as it grows tall.

Is the Boxwood plant poisonous to humans?

The whole boxwood plant is poisonous. Minor skin irritation can be caused, which lasts for a couple of minutes if the plant comes in contact with human skin. Vomiting, Nausea, Dizziness, Diarrhea, convulsions, and respiratory failure can be caused if the plant is eaten.


It has been wise to have borders with plants in the property as it helps stop the intruder from entering our property. However, its cost is the primary factor that promoted it to have planted as an option for security. All we need is to plant them strategically at vulnerable places to refrain from all the external threats.

Plants are an amazing gift by nature; indeed, it has been serving all the living creatures with its wide range of benefits. Also, all the reasonable factors should be considered while planting hedgerows in your yard accordingly. We should look into the benefits that plants offer from health to security. CWP

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