Report on Crime Victimization

Around the globe, our regular lives are usually crucial to each person regardless of the status. Most individuals strive to live in harmony without interference. Though there is no perfect society, most societies hope for a simple and fulfilling life that is accommodative.

However, some incidents tend to face ourselves, status, and households that require much attention from both institutions and individuals in our society. Thus, statistical reports are typical to provide a better picture of our community regarding crime. Therefore, this paper is a report about criminal victimization.

Criminal victimization refers to a person victimized either physically or their properties. Thus, victimization tends to study and study about the victims being the main focus in the study. Therefore, in this report, various forms of criminal instances will be our primary focus.

Criminal victimization tends to occur due to presenting factors that make some individuals vulnerable to be victimized. Through surveys and studies, victimization tends to spread from households, rape, and bullying.

According to the National Crime Survey, various criminal victimization forms are reported, while others are never written on the criminal police desks. The survey is employed on the individual that has over twelve years and above. Crime can be divided into two perspectives, which include theft and violence towards a person.

Relying on various criminal reports and unreported crime tend to give a glimpse of statistics about victimization. Therefore, the various criminal incidents are recorded while others are not reported.

Sexual Violence Victims

Sexual violence and rape have been criminal offenses that have been witnessed severally around the globe. America has not been spared from these incidents. Girls and women have been the main target of the crime. Girls and women from the age of 12-34 tend to be victimized by such actions. According to the National Crime Survey of 2018;

Girls and Women

37% of the total violent victimization experienced was around the home and various places identified as aggravated assault, rape, or sexual assault. The number tends to be inclusive of men and women. However, the highest percentage is the women.

  • The report focuses both on reported and unreported. Furthermore, the crime tends to cover attempted penetration, forced or complete penetration.
  • According to the statistics, about 1 in 5 women worldwide reported to an authority about inappropriate sexual advances towards them. They include forced, complete, or attempted penetration towards them. The number translates to approximately one-quarter of American women, as estimated by various researches (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2011).

    The number is estimated to be about 25.5 million women in the United States of America. They indicate that the number of rape cases in the United States of America is estimated to be 433,648 victims annually.

  • Rape prevalence is mainly witnessed in girls about the age group of 12-24 years old. Compared to women 65 years old and above, they are 92% more likely to be raped. In contrast, 25-25 years are about 82% most likely compared to those above 65.
  • Nearly 81.3% of women in the United States of America reported that they were involved in sexual abuse before attaining 25 years.
  • The rape prevalence has increased compared to the report of 1999, where women were 17.7 million. Thus, 90% of juveniles are female affected while 80% of females are adult women—the most affected being women and girls the primary victims of sexual violence.

Boys and men

It is reported that approximately 1 in 14 men have been involved in attempted or forced penetration in their lifetime. Estimation of 2.0 million men has reported that they were involved in sexual incidents before attaining 25 years (Smith et al., 2018).

Boys and men also victims of sexual harassment and rape. The reported cases in the National Crime Survey indicate that 1 in every 10 cases are boys and men as the victims. An estimated 10.6 million men are involved in sexual incidents. They report that they were, through coercion, by individuals using their power or privilege to force them into the incident (“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021).

Sexual abuse by Race

Sexual abuse is experienced differently according to the race affiliation among men and women in the different states.

White Americans or native Americans are most highly predisposed to sexual violence. Annually, the reported sexual violence is positively associated with Native Americans of nearly 80% of the reported cases. Indian Americans are on the pecking order following the Native Americans. Black and Hispanic Americans are less than 6% (Sabina, 2015).

Robbery Victims

Robbery has been one of the cases viewed as an issue in the United States of America; thus, the report tends to capture various forms of a robbery that emanate from simple to capital offenses. About 12.8 million United States of America households experienced either or more victimizations through burglary, trespassing, or robbery.

Thefts of households and motor vehicles have been reducing since 2015, but between 2018-2019, there was a slight increase but did not surpass the rate of theft in 2015(“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021). Affected households and other thefts in 2017 to about 108.2 per 1,000compare to 2018 of 108.4 victimizations per 1,000 households.

Burglary Victims

Since 2015, burglary has been on the decreasing peak. According to the statistics, burglary has reduced by about 4% from 2015 to 2019. However, there has been an insignificant change from 2019 to 2021 (“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021).

In 2015, about 2.2 million cases were reported involving burglary, which was 15.3% at that moment. The rate in 2019 was 11.7% translating to 1.7 million cases.

Victims of Trespassing

Cases of individuals intruding on other individual privacy knowingly or unknowingly have reduced significantly since 2015. Compared to 2019, the rate of trespassing was 5.5% compared to 2015 of 6.7%, indicating a decrease in trespassing cases around the states(“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021).

Assault Victims

Assault in the United States has been in the rice since 2015. They include aggravated and simple assaults that have been reported in the various police department, while other significant cases have not been reported to the relevant authorities. Assault cases have risen from 3.9 million cases in 2015 to 4.8 million in the year 2019, with a trend projected to rise in 2021 (“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021.

Simple Assault Victims

Minor assaults have been increasing since 2015, with the rate being 11.8 per 1000 in 2015 to about 13.7 per 1000 in 2019. Thus, indicating an increase of 2.1 per 1000 in the four years (“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021).

Aggravated Assault

The rate of aggravated assault decreased between 2018 and 2019. It reduced from 1.05 million to 1.01 million (2021)

Domestic Violence Victims

It is violence that was witnessed between the individual or intimate partners that were cohabiting or married, and they were sharing the same house. The rate of domestic violence had decreased between 2018 and 2019. There was nearly 1.2 domestic violence victimization in 2018 but reduced to 1.1 million in 2019.

Murder Victims

The rate of homicide in the united states has increased in the recent past. Though not as high compared to the 1990s, there has been an increase in homicide cases.

The 2018 statistics indicate that about 5.05 in about 100,000 people were reported to be murdered. Though it is low compared to past years of the 1990s, there has been an increase of the cases from early 2010 (“Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)”, 2021).  CWP

Community Watch Paper blogs:

What is considered Robbery 

What is considered Burglary


(2021). Retrieved 14 April 2021, from

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). (2021). Retrieved 13 April 2021, from

Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Rape and Sexual Victimization Among College-Aged Females, 1995-2013 (2014).

Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010 (2013).

National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (2011). Child sexual abuse prevention: Overview. Retrieved from

Rennison, C. M. (2002). Rape and sexual assault: Reporting to police and medical attention, 1992-2000 [NCJ 194530]. Retrieved from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics:

Sabina, C., Cuevas, C. A., & Schally, J. L. (2015). The influence of ethnic group variation on victimization and help seeking among Latino women. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(1), 19–30.

Smith, S. G., Chen, J., Basile, K. C., Gilbert, L. K., Merrick, M. T., Patel, N., … Jain, A. (2017). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010-2012 state report. Retrieved from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control:

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